Make it.
I was attempting to clean my closet earlier this week and came across this gorgeous top, all velvet and canvas with boning. The last time I wore it was in September 2006.
When I was finished getting ready Friday night, I asked my brother to zip me up. I was used to the zipper acting up, so it didn't surprise me when he couldn't zip it up at first. I explained to him that he had to bring the top two pieces together with one hand and zip with the other, while I pulled down at the bottom; quite a lot of work, actually. After all attempts to break my ribs failed, my brother told me he was sure the top had shrunk. (This is a fabrication invented by the author to protect all people in the story; in reality, my brother giggled and informed me that I had "got fat.")
Apparently, a lot can change in 4 years.
As you know (because I've told you), I don't have a lot of money (because I spend it all on clothes that don't fit me). My clothes are my investment, and as such, I refuse to not be able to wear them.
While trying to solve The Mystery of How My Back Expanded By Four Inches, I noticed that the back almost looked as if it were meant to be open. I folded the zippered edges inward, and voila! Sexy back. (Meaning a variety of things, but mostly that exposed back is sexy.) I think the only reason this worked is because the fabric is so stiff.
The front of the tube top is meant to have a straight edge and looks just fine that way, but since I'm currently obsessed with creating a dip in all of my things, I once again pinned the middle downward.
Honestly, I'm amazed my clothes don't just fall off or evaporate while I'm out, what with all these folds and safety pins.
Skirt: $20 (58), Urban Outfitters
Convertible Clutch/Purse/Wrislet: $110 (258), Coach, Macy's
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